Wednesday, February 08, 2006


"We must learn from our mistakes, so that we can repeat them precisely."

• Yoga really kicked my ass yesterday. As it turns out, it may actually be helping my shoulder (which 'd' believes to be a rotator cuff issue).

• There was a bright red cardinal sitting on my car this morning, which is odd because I haven't known birds to land on anything other than branches. What made him want to land on a silver VW and chirp at me at the exact moment I needed to leave is a mystery.

• Still converting my new Tzeentch horde. Next on the table: marauder horsemen.

• I have to go to Dallas for 4 days, which is bad-timing but should be nice and boring.

• Finally got to see 'c' who was a bit tipsy but otherwise in good spirits. She had fallen off my radar for a while. It's good to have her back on.

• My sister's birthday is fast-approaching, and I found the PERFECT card for my little princess. Not sure what to get her, though.

• 1 week until the new apartment!


Bobby said...

i've made some minor changes: marauder horsemen and a beast herd (dropping the chariot). and a nasty little surprise.

Anonymous said...

Anything shiny.