People in Seattle have this thing about using 'permanent' grocery bags. They're the kind made out of canvas or something that you reuse all the time. Here, grocery stores either give you a discount if you bring your own bag and some of them stopped supplying paper or plastic completely.
I agree that plastic bags are just awful. You can't even really reuse them for anything, except picking up dog crap. I suppose you can carry your lunch in them or something, but then you just look like you are carrying dog crap around, which is not a good look. Best case scenario, you pretend that you've packed dog crap for your lunch.
Whatever, I use the plastic bags as liners for smaller garbage cans. They came in really handy for me. Well I do fill they with cat crap when I clean out my litter box.
I use them for pooping in when I want to prove point to someone or when I want to send someone a bag of dicks.
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