Well, the votes are in and thanks to all who participated. Seems like most of you made the sensible decision to invest wisely. You should all start your own companies now. My new temporary job title is "Domestic Engineer." My job is to take care of dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. It's a job, dammit! Except unlike YOUR jobs, I can't just clock-out at 5pm. I don't have a "quittin' time." Speaking of mothers, my mom has asked me to refrain from using "bad language" on my blog. While I disagree with her reasoning ("it isn't nice, and no one wants to read that") I do agree that I should be setting a better example for my younger readers. So here's an example for you: If Grandma sends you a birthday card with $15 million in it, put it in the bank and invest wisely. Also, don't get into a lawsuit with Lucasfilm. Those guys are serious!
So here's to Moms everywhere! My mom was a stay-at-home-housemom, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just look at how I turned out!
The job hunt continues...
Good luck on the job hunt, my friend. As for what to do with the money... I think you should follow your sister's advice. She's very smart, you know.
Sorry I had to delete the one above. Like I told you before... You're very smart and very talented. You're going to find another job :)
Thank you Candice! It's about time he realized that. But everyone in our family always knew he was the "slow one."
"Just look how I turned out!" That's supposed to be an endorsement FOR stay at home moms? And for the record, I love reading "bad language." It's so cute when the kitten says "I can has cheeseburger?"
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