We like to do things the "unemployed" way around here. Feel free to print this checklist if you'd like to try this at home.
[ ] Crappy black T-shirt
[ ] 3rd cup of coffee
[ ] Coffee mug from weird, artsy 80's tv show
[ ] 'Forgot' to shave for a week
[ ] Internet connection (courtesy of the neighbors)
[ ] Decent cache of wheat thins and gatorade (staying healthy is important, kids!)
[ ] Birds on the feeder
Strange how similar the "unemployed" checklist is to the "Bob in college" checklist... with the possible exception of the bird feeder. ;-)
You look fat in that picture! You haven't been out of a job that long!
He doesn't look fat. He looks tired to me. This isn't an unemployed check list. I wear crappy black t-shirts to work, drink anywhere from 3 to 6 cups of coffee, i have this really awesome mug i drink from at work, and i can go a week without shaving my legs. So this can be the employed check list too :)
THANK YOU!! glad to know someone's on my side here. That's probably because we worked at the same place, Stacy. Now we're both screwed!
Yeah, you're not the only one stressed for a job now but at least they're not going to cut you open tomorrow. I wish I was sitting at Starbucks looking for a job. Instead I'll be on an operating table having my abdomen sliced open and a few things removed. Good times. I came in today to clean off my desk and talk to a few people and found out we had a press release. I have like 25 missed calls.
Ok you're right. He looks fat & tired! Well chubby at least.
Hey look! It's weeks worth of posts I'm commenting on in one day. By the by, I used to pretty much use that checklist when I was working the ol' factory job. Including the not shaving for a week at a time.
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