Woo-hoo! Nothing like a company xmas party to strengthen the bonds of all those 'work friends' we've made. This year, we'll be at Pat O'Brien's for the usual vat of debauchery. Since we're a British company, everything revolves around drinking. So each hard-working employee gets 3 free drink coupons and is turned loose. Last year’s party was great: a company-wide scandal which ended with my entire team getting fired, a lawsuit by yours truly set into motion and then quelled, and finally, my joyful acceptance of an award that basically symbolized the fact that I traded legal action to keep my job. (1)
If that wasn’t enough, a political enemy of mine, present at the party was fired two weeks afterward when it was discovered that he was stealing money and product. (2)
This year will feature Karaoke and our special Games Workshop Eggnog (basically, bourbon and ice cubes).
Let the games begin.
(1) Good times!
(2) Jackpot!
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