Gather 'round, kids, and let me tell you the story of the greatest junk food this side of the part of the country that lost the war of northern aggression.
Sonic has a treat called 'Frito Pie.' But I call 'em 'White Trash Nachos!'
It starts with a paper tray thingy. Layer that with a 'handful' of frito corn chips. Now let that sit a minute so that the tray gets soaked. While that's working, take the leftover burger patties that didn't sell yesterday and chop them up with a fork (coarsely). Next, dump the chopped up burger 'meat' onto the frito pile and proceed to layer the whole thing with nacho cheese sauce. Shit, ok, first plug-in the nacho cheese warmer then pour on the cheese (note: don't wait for the cheese to get warm, that takes forever). Almost perfect. All that's left to do is to top it off with a clump of jalapenos (to help mask the taste). Now you have instant after-school goodness. Add an X-box game and you're kids are ready to reach their fullest potential.
Addendum: Official Rumors was saddened to learn that Sonic has pulled the Frito Pie from their menu.
dude, that's chili. And no way it's off the menu. can't be.
No, that picture is of the frito pie. trust me. and they took it off the menu from the sonic on kirby.
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