Official Rumors was deeply saddened to hear of the untimely death of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. While filming a new series titled "Stingrays--A diver's best friend", Irwin became only the 3rd person on record to died from a stingray. I'm currently writing from my hotel in St. Louis, and after hearing the news this morning, went to the St. Louis City Museum where I could pet stingrays in a tank. I'm not sure what the big deal is, since the rays were all too happy to have me pet them. Interesting note, www.jerusalemtimes.com reported Irwin's death took place during a 'DRIVING" accident (not a 'diving' accident). I honestly pictured him driving his truck down a dusty Australian road with a cooler containing a capture stingray, the truck rolling over and the cooler coming open spilling the creature onto Irwin's chest. People in Jerusalem need to spellcheck. Diving makes a lot more sense.
People and animals alike will miss Steve Irwin.
I am so bummed that he died! I had heard that the documentary was called the "ocean's deadliest" though. It was a freakish accident. His poor children!
You wrote "...Irwin became only the 3rd person on record to died from a stingray." If you fix the error, please delete this comment, since it's so jerky to comment with nitpicking edits.
So sad.
Haha, oh Jerusalem.
yeah i should fix that spelling error. Meh....
forget the spelling error, I read in USA Today that 17 people are on record as having been killed by stingrays since 1860, most due to freakish accidents where internal organs in the trunk area of the body were pierced. *sorry, but you know how I love to correct you. ;) Not that I verified this, and who the heck had the time in the first place to look that up?*
Anyway.... what a tragic loss, for so many people. I feel especially for his wife and children.
It was nice that the Australia Zoo had such a nice ceremony to honor him.
On a side note, a co-worker of mine mentioned a bizarre theory about Jeff Corwin being behind this in an effort to be the new King of the Animal Kingdom...
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