I live in Memphis, which is known for a couple of things: Elvis, BBQ, and now the Statue of Liberation Through Christ. Dear readers, I CANNOT make this kind of stuff up. The church of the World Overcomers has erected this statue, a converted version of the green colossus known as the statue of liberty. They’ve added some stone tablets with symbols on them and a cross. I’m hoping these additions aren’t permanent, as I think it would add value to be able to replace them as the season’s change. For example, Halloween could see the statue change its accessories to a wooden stake and wreath of garlic. Anyways, their bullshit explanation of the statue’s meaning basically boils down to a disguised allusion to the reunion of church and state. Thanks to our forefathers, who in no way could see this coming, freedom of expression protects people from receiving death threats for their lawn ornaments. I’m offended, but I’m not really allowed to be. The Fahrenheit 451 sentries, SS stormtroopers, blade runner secret police or democrats who vote would never stand for this. Where is my police state?! I was promised a police state!
yeah, the church itself is an exact copy of the Cobra Terrordrome (from G.I. Joe). Obscure reference, I know, but true nonetheless.
a green statue holding a cross offends you? I guess it doesn't take much...
I'm SO glad you put a picture of that eye blinding thing up. My sister was in town and we drove by it, and she was like, "What in the hell was that?" I asked what she was looking at and she said there was a crazy statue of liberty thing so I looked and almost ran off the road. That thing is horrifying. I told Markian about it and he didn't know what I was talking about. I showed him your post, and now he's horrified too. Thanks! :)
Perhaps you could request Christo team up with the church of christ for a one time only permanent instalation.
You could always erect a statue of Satan holding a representation of this eyesore in one hand and cobra commander in the other. At least it might shift some focus...
Also, why the brown robes, were the green ones not warm enough or is green bad after labor day or something?
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