"I wish a falling star could fall forever..."
The Pink Martini show will not soon be forgotten. 'D' had said that music these days seemed to be missing 'glamor.' Perhaps Pink Martini merely accumulated all the discarded glamor that available. Backed (almost needlessly) by the Memphis Symphony Orchestra, Martini surpassed the expectations of the unsuspecting season ticket holders, who thought that they were attending another average symphony performance. The 11-strong lineup infused cuban and asian flavors into their already unique mix of jazz, tango and mambo. You haven't lived until you've witnessed a bald japanese man in an impeccable suit singing in Spanish. But, as I suspect is always the case, singer China Forbes was the center of attention. Truly a show of musicianship not seen elsewhere in the world these days, I may not ever have the chance to see Pink Martini again-- their shows in Seattle, Portland, Istanbul, Paris, Athens, Milan and Rome are sold out in advance.
Special thanks once again to 'D' and 'B' who continue to be the most gracious hosts I know.
Hey Dude! I have been trying to call you (your cell) for the last 2 days & I tried last week too! What's the deal?! Will you answer your phone already!! I'm going to punch you in the nose! That's right! In the nose!
Hey! i'm not getting another degree until i finish using the one i have!
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