Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The New Mixer...

'd' brought his own booze to the halloween party, labeled it, and set it next to the torch fuel. so i took this photo.

today was a good day. It seems i've found a friend among the storm (which happens to actually be tearing tree limbs down outside right now). i'm thankful for that.


Kalisa said...

you know, there are a couple of ways to keep this spam out of your comments.

So I'll bite: why do you call him Cookie?

Bobby said...

cookies is a young kid who came to me for a job. i wasn't able to hire anyone at the time, but he was persistent. he kept bringing me cookies almost every day as a 'selfless gesture of good will' and kept asking me if i was hiring. eventually i hired him and the nickname stuck. he seems to like it.

Anonymous said...

actually, i took the picture.
but...no matter...

Bobby said...

whatever. it's a great photo regardless.