I watched "The Thin Man" last night (1934 Willam Powell, Myrna Loy). Great movie. Despite not being gay, I can still appreciate the style and flair of the silver screen. Nick and Nora Charles basically throw a fancy dinner party to reveal the murder suspect they've been following. Sounds not-that-great, I know, but I get to watch fancy people drink martinis.
Working from home is just ok. I have the dogs and the birds and lots of coffee, and no one around, but I do get a little antsy from time to time. The biggest problem is the time difference. I talk to my co-workers a lot throughout the day, but they're 2 hours behind. So basically, I start around 8am, and finish around 730 pm (because it's only 530 to them). I've been in on conference calls in the middle of Krogers. I've talked to customers while not wearing pants. It's weird. But I get to look out my window and watch the birds go through their day, which is about as simple as mine, really.
And eventually, the shadows grow long and darken my keyboard and it's quittin' time. Time to put some pants on.