"Someday, this war will end..."
Well, all unstable things must come to an end. Yesterday, my 4-year career with Games Workshop ended when Sabertooth Games released me due to "the current state of revenue-to-structure imbalance in the parent company." Basically, GW has been bleeding badly for some time now, and Sabertooth won't be hitting its numbers for 2nd quarter, so someone has to be labeled 'expendible.' I guess that's me, although it did come as a shock. My position has been eliminated, through no fault of my own. It hardly seems fair, given that my position helped to support sales, not directly impact them, and not for the parent company. But being the newest member of the 5-person manager team in a 15-person company, I guess I can see it. I can also see that this may not be the end of it for the Sabertooth staff. The situation is a bit dire over there. Oh well, I guess I just have to 'deal with' the poor business decisions of others that have put me in this position. That's business, right? Nothing personal, as they say. Well, no hard feelings (maybe to some, but not to all). I'm sure I can find a place to live in the coming months, and a way to get some kind of health coverage for the prescriptions we need, etc. After all, it's just business. I do have some good opportunities to join up with some of GW's competitors, however...
I'll keep you posted.