Today is the first day where it really feels like autumn. My dog tried to pee on the largest leaf I've ever seen, but I pulled him off of it at the last second because I wanted to put it on my fridge.
Chickadees are now on the feeders at home. Other birds I've collected: the titpecker, the woodcock, the boob lark.
Mempis is also starting to feel incredibly small. Turns out my friend and massage-therapist knows my stylist, who knows my tattoo guy.
Places I'll be going in 2007: Vegas, England, Indy, maybe Philly, maybe Japan.
Goodbye to: Sher-bear, for now.
Hello to: an increasing amount of really ignorant, self-centered people who call this city home.
Vincent Price made some great, but very gay, movies.
I really need to get back on the DJ gig thing. That was fun.
Saw David Sedaris last month, the Memphis Symphony this month.